Comments on: 5 Tips to Guarantee Your Guest Blogging Pitch Doesn’t Suck SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Fri, 09 Nov 2018 17:28:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: How to Make Sure Your Guest Posting Pitch Works | IMSoup Tue, 22 Oct 2013 00:01:13 +0000 […] a template somewhere. An email pitch that starts with Dear Sir/Madam is just asking to be ignored. Danny Goodwin […]

By: Danny Goodwin Tue, 09 Jul 2013 16:31:26 +0000 Hi John, thanks for the comment. Funny enough, I almost added that part but decided against it last second due to how long the post already was. Below is one example of a pitch that grabbed my attention.

While it does bend/break a couple rules from above, his pitch showed he had looked through our guidelines, and the topic he pitched was quite specific to our site/audience and detailed. (And he’s still writing for us today.)



I read through your guidelines and would be interested in contributing as a website design & SEO expert on a regular basis. I understand that you do not prefer "one-off" guest blogs, however, I think you might like my latest article that I’d hope to publish on SEW.

It’s titled "Webmaster Tip: Using Footer Links to Diversify Your Backlink Profile".

The article details an ingenious strategy I have been using to avoid a Penguin algorithm penalty and gain a little extra exposure in the SERPs with a few modifications to the footer links on all of the websites we have built.

Here is a link to the blog on Google docs (take a peek): (link was here)

By: John Nicholson Tue, 09 Jul 2013 12:34:27 +0000 This is a great explanation but I really expected to see an example of a perfect pitch, or how to say, the ones that do get your attention and have the “it”, at the end of your article. But all in all, you’ve explained pretty well why crappy content is obvious even from one email. Thanks for the info.

By: Keith Sims Tue, 18 Jun 2013 00:31:58 +0000 Interesting post, Danny.

As a somewhat older writer, I find interesting the number of younger writers who think that putting a few cogent, coherent sentences together is due no more effort than rolling out of bed in the morning. I blame an education system that has so greatly under served an entire generation of learners. The term self-taught has never been more aptly applied to post-boomers and beyond. It is by long study and practice that effortless prose makes its way to the page. Likewise, it is only when one realizes the beauty, expressiveness, and fluidity of the English language that it’s full power can be brought forth.

By: Danny Goodwin Mon, 17 Jun 2013 13:43:15 +0000 Thanks for the comment, Leah! That’s pretty brutal. Any business needs to convey professionalism, and indeed bad spelling/grammar is no doubt costing that client business.

Haha, that is a great request. Lot of plumbing on the roof to be fixed? ;)

Good luck busting through the gates!

By: Danny Goodwin Mon, 17 Jun 2013 13:38:44 +0000 Thanks for the comment, Chris! Hopefully bloggers and websites keep their standards (or if needed raise them).

By: Leah Thu, 13 Jun 2013 08:22:30 +0000 This is excellent advice and it applies to so many aspects of SEO/Social. I have a client who refuses to grammar check his Facebook posts and I can’t convince him to use a content calendar, so lots of my time is spent editing poor grammar, punctuation, & spelling just so he doesn’t look ridiculous to his customers.

My favourite guest post request came for my Plumber client last year.

[Actual post] “[client] is always the one I call when I need something fixed on my roof and I’d love to write for your site. please let me know if you’d be interesting.” ((eyebrow lift))

Wasn’t sure where to start with that one, but we all got a good laugh out of it.

Thanks for the tips – I may take your advice and see if I can’t get through the gates one day. ;)

By: Chris Mayhew Wed, 12 Jun 2013 08:40:19 +0000 Great advice Danny. Getting people to accept your guest blogging advances is very difficult because of the negative stigma attached to SEO and the fact that everyone is now scared and being punished for spam content.

These tips should help anyone get their point across though and hopefully website owners will start to realise there are plenty of people out there who are doing this the right way and providing great content in the process.

By: Danny Goodwin Tue, 11 Jun 2013 19:22:39 +0000 Thanks for the comment Jonathan! Indeed, anything worth doing takes effort. :)

By: Jonathan Allen Tue, 11 Jun 2013 18:09:42 +0000 Great article!

Everyone take note, editors are humans too who work very hard. Flattery really can get you everywhere – letting people know you are a fan and why – acknowledging what great work a journalistm writer or editor is doing to bring you all this juicy content candy also makes the entire editorial team interested in working with you. Content development is hard!

So, as Danny says, a bit of research into what the sites about and what the editor is trying to do will always get you noticed. If you sound like you’re talking to a person and not a dead mailbox, then you’ll probably make an impact.
