Comments on: Why Content Optimization Is Key – Thoughts About the InboundWriter Report SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Wed, 06 Mar 2019 00:14:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Fri, 14 Oct 2011 02:19:05 +0000 Hi Emma!

LOL, I’m so used to SEO writing now that it’s hard to write any other way – my creative thoughts tend to be sprinkled with keyphrases. Ah, what this industry has done to my brain…:)

By: Emma Fri, 14 Oct 2011 01:59:34 +0000 In some ways I resent the SEO revolution, because, as you pointed out, it does indeed limit the amount of creativity one can include in website content. But on the other hand, what sense is there in creating killer content if audiences aren’t driven to your site to see it?

By: Heather Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:31:30 +0000 LOL…you sound very much like a Friends geek. So, how much of the dialog did you have to look up….and how much did you already know? :)

By: Amy C. Teeple Fri, 14 Oct 2011 00:17:19 +0000 Heather,

It’s a Friends reference and I should have said “transponster” – not sure why I needed to add the “d.”

In case you were wondering, no one knew what Chandler did for a living, which brought about this exchange when they were playing a game about which friends knew the others better.

Ross: Correct! What is Chandler Bing’s job?
Rachel: Oh! Oh gosh, it has something to do with numbers.
Monica: And processing!
Rachel: Oh, well… and he carries a briefcase!
Ross: Ten seconds. You need this or you lose the game.
Monica: It’s, um, it has something to do with transponding.
Rachel: Oh, oh, oh, he’s a transpons… transponster!
Monica: That’s not even a word!

(Yes, I looked that up. I may be a Friends freak, but I’m not that bad.)

By: Heather Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:55:05 +0000 In reply to Peter Westlund.

Oh yes. You’re exactly right.

Since I’ve been doing this for so long, it’s easy for me to forget that not everyone “gets it.” There are so many companies who barely know what SEO is – or know what it is, but refuse to do it. Here’s hoping that this report helps a few more businesses realize that, yes, SEO is really that important. :)

By: Heather Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:52:40 +0000 In reply to Gretchen Pritts.

Thanks, Gretchen, for your comments! :)

By: Heather Thu, 13 Oct 2011 20:52:15 +0000 In reply to Amy C. Teeple.

You’re right. Search scent around PPC is a *big* deal. Every holiday season, I cringe when I see the increase in bad PPC landing pages – and I think about how much money that must be costing the advertiser. Ouch.

I can’t say that I’ve ever been called a transpondster. Hehe. Sounds kinda Star Trekkie to me. :)

Thanks for your comments!

By: Peter Westlund Thu, 13 Oct 2011 17:40:46 +0000 “this is a fantastic wake-up call” – Ah, yes it should be for a considerable amount of businesses present on the web.

Bouncerate is probably the greatest enemy for late adopters, right?

By: Amy C. Teeple Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:55:47 +0000 “At the end of the day, it’s all about providing your readers high-quality, relevant content.” Well said Heather.

I often have the conversation with clients, potential clients, and random people who don’t understand what I do for a living (one friend still tells people I’m a “transpondster”), that yes, I can write keyword-rich content that search engines love, but if I stopped there it wouldn’t be beneficial. An SEO tool can help you get traffic, but what good is traffic if visitors hit the back button as soon as they land on the page? Compelling content can keep your audience engaged.

As a consumer, I have to comment on the topic of “search scent.” This applies not only to your optimized website, but also (and probably more so) to your landing pages for PPC. If you invested time and money into appearing at the top of the search results for a specific term, as a consumer, I don’t want to click on your result (or ad) and be brought to a page that does not mention what I am looking for. I will just hit the back button and you just wasted money and efforts.

By: Gretchen Pritts Thu, 13 Oct 2011 16:07:20 +0000 Great information and loved the study results. Like you said, though, not surprising :)

Thanks for sharing!!
