web writing Archives - SuccessWorks https://seocopywriting.com/tag/web-writing/ SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Fri, 06 Aug 2021 18:34:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 Are You Boring Your Reader? https://seocopywriting.com/personality-challenged-content/ https://seocopywriting.com/personality-challenged-content/#comments Mon, 08 Apr 2013 10:00:39 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=15912 The post Are You Boring Your Reader? appeared first on SuccessWorks.

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How to Craft a Website Voice Your Readers Will Love https://seocopywriting.com/how-to-resonate-with-your-readers-through-web-page-tone-and-feel/ https://seocopywriting.com/how-to-resonate-with-your-readers-through-web-page-tone-and-feel/#comments Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:24:52 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=8081 Have you ever wondered what is meant by the “tone and feel” of a webpage, or by a website’s “voice”? You’re not alone. Having received a number of questions from folks about just this subject, Heather addresses the importance of your web pages’ “voice” in today’s SEO copywriting how-to video post, and specifically how to […]

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SEO Is No Excuse For “Cre8ive” Spelling and Grammar https://seocopywriting.com/seo-is-no-excuse-for-cre8ive-spelling-and-grammar/ https://seocopywriting.com/seo-is-no-excuse-for-cre8ive-spelling-and-grammar/#comments Tue, 08 Mar 2011 14:02:50 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=6156 Despite the claims by some less-than-reputable SEO firms or by those who only see the technical aspects of search engine optimization, it’s not enough to just have “a lot of content” on your website. It’s not so simple. Your content – whether on your home page, your blog, or a sales page – needs to […]

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Create Killer Content: Copy These Powerful Formulas https://seocopywriting.com/sales-writing-resources/ https://seocopywriting.com/sales-writing-resources/#comments Thu, 14 Jan 2016 11:00:34 +0000 http://seocopywriting.com/?p=24619 Do a search on “sales writing” or “copywriting” and you’ll see that the body of content around it is ginormous. And that’s no surprise. After all, copywriting is the substance of all the print and digital marketing materials out there, from headlines to calls to action (and all that stuff in between). The art and […]

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5 Sure-Fire Ways to Create a Killer Home Page https://seocopywriting.com/5-sure-fire-ways-to-create-a-killer-home-page/ https://seocopywriting.com/5-sure-fire-ways-to-create-a-killer-home-page/#comments Mon, 14 Mar 2011 13:05:32 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=6221 Greetings! Glad you’re here, because today’s SEO copywriting how-to video is about creating a killer home page.  However powerful your copywriting and skilled your SEO, if you’re making these all-too-common, conversions-killing mistakes with your home page copy, your business will suffer.  The good news is, bad as it may seem now, it is easily corrected! […]

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Want Better Conversions? Get Specific with Your Benefit Statements https://seocopywriting.com/want-better-conversions-get-specific-with-your-benefit-statements/ https://seocopywriting.com/want-better-conversions-get-specific-with-your-benefit-statements/#comments Mon, 19 Sep 2011 14:49:58 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=8292 Want to sell more? Make your benefit statements specific. Very specific. Heather developed this piece in response to a reader question about how to increase the effectiveness of their web copy. In looking through the reader’s web content, Heather realized that one of the opportunities the copywriter could leverage was to make their marketing copy more […]

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What Does an SEO Copywriter Do, Anyway? https://seocopywriting.com/what-does-a-seo-copywriter-do-anyway/ https://seocopywriting.com/what-does-a-seo-copywriter-do-anyway/#comments Mon, 25 Apr 2011 12:33:46 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=6702 Welcome back!  In today’s video post, Heather answers a question from the LinkedIn SEO Copywriting group:  What does an SEO copywriter do, anyway? It is an excellent question, as many folks are somewhat mystified by the words “SEO copywriting.”  Whether you’re in the online writing profession, or are considering hiring a SEO copywriter, you will […]

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3 Ways to Re-Ignite Your Web Copy Right Now https://seocopywriting.com/3-ways-to-ramp-up-your-web-copy-right-now/ https://seocopywriting.com/3-ways-to-ramp-up-your-web-copy-right-now/#respond Mon, 18 Apr 2011 12:24:32 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=6639 Welcome!  Today we’re introducing a fun new feature to Heather’s Monday how-to video blog series: answering your questions!  Yes, Heather is accepting questions you may have regarding anything SEO, content marketing, and web writing, then answering via her video blog post.  How cool is that?   Today’s post answers one of Heather’s most frequently asked questions:  […]

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SEO Copywriting Overwhelm? What to Focus on First https://seocopywriting.com/seo-copywriting-overwhelm-what-to-focus-on-first/ https://seocopywriting.com/seo-copywriting-overwhelm-what-to-focus-on-first/#comments Mon, 16 May 2011 13:46:16 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=6969 Greetings! Today’s video post answers the common reader question: “What should I focus on first in an SEO copywriting campaign?” This question is asked ever more frequently, by businesses both large and small, because there are so many SEO copywriting and content marketing opportunities out there that it can be overwhelming. Back in the day, […]

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3 signs that your SEO copy is over-optimized https://seocopywriting.com/3-signs-that-your-seo-copy-is-over-optimized/ https://seocopywriting.com/3-signs-that-your-seo-copy-is-over-optimized/#comments Mon, 20 Jun 2011 12:09:41 +0000 http://www.seocopywriting.com/?p=7366 Greetings!  Today’s SEO copywriting video tip addresses the three telling signs that your SEO copy may be over-optimized.  Yes, there is such a thing, and it happens when you’ve geared the copy so heavily towards the search engines that you’ve forgotten about the user experience. Join Heather as she discusses the three telltale signs that […]

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