Comments on: Which Should It Be: Pinterest or Google+? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Sat, 13 Apr 2019 23:57:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Courtney Ramirez Tue, 22 May 2012 16:47:47 +0000 @Nick – Excellent point as always. Google+ usage is a must for optimization.

@Christian – Your experience is really interesting! I’m curious – what industry are you in? From my research it seems like there are specific companies that may benefit from Pinterest. Although I do have to say that outsourcing to Fiverr for pins may be crossing the line for some people.

By: Christian Tue, 22 May 2012 05:40:27 +0000 I’ve used pinterest to optimize my site and the result was amazing my site was jumped from #234 to #9 in few weeks time.

The trick is we must got our website pinned and repinned by many people this is the hardest part. Most of pinterest users won’t doing repin when they aren’t like what we pinned.

I do simple thing to outsource it on fiverr and got my site pinned by 75 people, I don’t know how can he did it just search by typing pinterest on fiverr and you will find it on the TOP. Many other seller offer pinterest service on fiverr but in my experience they can’t make my website increase in SEO. I don’t know why.

As I know currently pinterest is best for SEO for these reason:
1. Once our website pinned it has 3 backlinks counts
2. Google interest in social media signal so it will not tagged as links farm
3. Currently pinterest links are dofollow even the image
4. Even not support anchor text (except the url link), it’s still perfect for placing our keywords in description. Google will READ it!!
5. You need to ping the links of your pins to the to get your website increase in SEO
6. Obama The President and Mark Zuckerberg now pinning on Pinterest lol.

By: Nick Stamoulis Mon, 21 May 2012 13:29:01 +0000 Pinterest can be beneficial if it aligns with your target audience, but Google+ should absolutely be a part of your strategy. Google+ data is integrated into the search algorithm. If you are active in Google+ it can have a positive effect on your search presence.

By: Courtney Ramirez Thu, 17 May 2012 00:19:51 +0000 Thanks JR! I struggle with this concept myself, but it’s so important to remember. Having half a finger in all the pies isn’t as satisfying as just eating one.

By: J.R. Augustine Tue, 15 May 2012 12:42:25 +0000 “It’s better to be involved on a few platforms effectively than spread your resources too thin.”

Love this quote Courtney. Too many people think they need to be active on every single one of the major social media platforms. As a result, they get a watered down presence on each of them rather than a powerful presence on the one or two that would really impact their business.
