Comments on: Don’t Give It Away for Free! SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Thu, 14 Feb 2019 19:55:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: craig wright Sun, 07 Apr 2013 14:39:37 +0000 Most of the SEO info is out there on the web for FREE. If people look for it, they will find it easy enough. What is more difficult to find is the copywriting skill to judge the target market, get the right angle and pitch the content at the right level.

When I’m giving a quote, I’m pretty vague on the copywriting aspects, but a bit more open about what I will do for their headings, titles, etc. I always emphasise the importance of getting the copy to appeal to prospects, not just Google and that that is where the true skill lies.

People may be able to fix the SEO in the same way that you would have, but they won’t find tackling the actual writing quite so easy.

Works for me (most of the time).

By: Heather Fri, 29 Oct 2010 03:57:01 +0000 In reply to Elaine Ellis.


:Sigh:: You’re right. That happens all the time. What’s worse, folks like that don’t understand how anyone could say no to such a “reasonable request.” :)

How do your friends handle it when it happens to them?

By: Heather Fri, 29 Oct 2010 02:56:27 +0000 In reply to George Passwater.


LOL – you know, come to think of it, I’ve never seen “Will work for free” on your forehead either!

Hearing, “Why can’t you tell me” is so frustrating (and so rude.) Then again, you can always reply, “Why can’t you pay me?” ;)

By: Elaine Ellis Thu, 28 Oct 2010 17:28:22 +0000 I don’t freelance but a significant number of friends in PR and design make money that way. It always amazes me people expect them to do “quick projects” for free. It’s not even asking for free advice but free work.

By: Ryan Boots Thu, 28 Oct 2010 16:40:31 +0000 I think the best approach is to communicate the level of experience and knowledge in SEO that one brings to the table. When it comes to SEO in general, I let the client know that organic rankings are based on a combination of factors, only some of which are publicly known. I think it’s really most accurate to say that SEO is like a big puzzle. That alone tends to give the client the (correct) impression that SEO really is something they really can’t tackle alone and still run their business effectively.

Along the same lines, I drill home my breadth of experience: I’ve blogged professionally for a nonprofit, written white papers, case studies, forum submissions, brochures, press releases and PPC ad copy. And I make it clear that, for webpage copy, I combine SEO best practice with my writing expertise. Similar to broad-based SEO, I try to impress upon the client that they simply don’t have the skill set, time or patience to craft the copy properly.

By: George Passwater Thu, 28 Oct 2010 14:14:11 +0000 Wow…this is a post every professional should read. I get these types of requests ALL THE TIME! I am in business to make money to feed my family, not give away free stuff and live on the street.

Great advice on swinging the conversation to one of your services. I also work in how I can give them more information on a report or a certain package would address their site, but they are often say, “why can’t you just tell me?”

Really? I am sorry, but it doesn’t say “free seo copywriting advice” on my forehead.
