Comments on: How to Start a Freelance Copywriting Business [Video + Transcript] SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Mon, 18 Dec 2017 17:11:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Thu, 30 Oct 2014 16:13:41 +0000 In reply to Misty Freeman.

Thanks, @Misty! Great domain name, BTW!

By: Misty Freeman Thu, 30 Oct 2014 04:28:18 +0000 This is a great blog and perfect for those who are attempting to find ways to better market their copywriting services. I know I’ve felt intimidated by some of it myself, but keeping a plan has helped to get things done in stages. Further, you should never quit a job if you know it is going to put you in a bind. Start small and dream big is what I say!

By: Lesson 74: Do freelance translators need business plans? | Business School for Translators Tue, 17 Dec 2013 14:29:59 +0000 […] You’ll find an example of a translator’s take on a business plan here. Sensible advice on business planning for copywriters (not too far from translators) is given here. […]

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 05 Mar 2013 17:25:18 +0000 @Kevin, you’re right. I’ve seen new entrepreneurs buy fancy new cars because they were *sure* their business could handle the payments. That typically didn’t work out so well…

Thanks for the great reminder!

By: Kevin Carlton Tue, 05 Mar 2013 16:29:23 +0000 Heather,
In line with what you say above, I think the ability to say ‘no’ to that fancy new car or kitchen refit is something that is very important in the early stages of starting a freelance business.

I’m currently darning my socks in order to ensure that I can put enough of the money I earn into where it really matters – namely back into my business.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Mon, 04 Mar 2013 19:17:42 +0000 In reply to Nolan Wilson.

You’re exactly right, Nolan. I know quite a few freelancers who work their “real job” during the day, and work on client work when they get home. It’s a demanding schedule, granted – but it makes the transition so much easier (especially around money.) Plus, that gives people the opportunity to see if they really like freelancing before they quit their “real job.”

Thanks for your comment! :)

By: Nolan Wilson Mon, 04 Mar 2013 17:35:44 +0000 Great article. It poses many of the questions that I had when I first started up. I think that most people thinking about converting to freelancing should test the waters first. Take on a couple project when you have some extra time, and go part time at your current job if you can and split the time if possible. This will make the transition easier.
