Comments on: Should You Quit Your Job to Start a Freelance Copywriting Business? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Mon, 18 Dec 2017 23:28:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 19 Mar 2013 17:02:26 +0000 In reply to Rick De Lima.

@Rick, I know a few copywriters who went back to a “real job.” Like you, they saw it as a short-term move – and they were very smart and strategic about the type of job they wanted and how they were going to rebuild their business.

Your story is inspiring! Congratulations on creating such a successful business!

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 19 Mar 2013 16:52:34 +0000 In reply to Kathryn Messer.

@Kathryn, you make some very good points! Working full-time while building a business is hard work. It’s great that your family jumped in to help. I’m sure that time wasn’t easy – but having the support of your family must have made things a little bit easier…

Isn’t it funny how kitties like to sabotage our writing flow? Mine likes to walk on the keyboard as I’m typing. I think it’s her way of saying that Mommy needs a break!:)

By: Rick De Lima Tue, 19 Mar 2013 14:59:57 +0000 Hi Heather. I know this sounds crazy but I agree with both of the start-up scenarios you discuss.

Personally, I just dove in head first. In the beginning work started to trickle in. Most of it was ghostwriting work and sub contracting work.

Then one day the flow started to dry up. Since I had not bothered to create a webswite or market myself to build a personal brand– eventually the money just stopped rolling in.

I ended up having to look for work. This time around I started out right. I saved up my cash. I scouted good networking opportunities and approached clients directly when ever I could.

With a new website and a couple of samples — I had signed non-disclosure agreements with my previous clients– I started to slowly re-build my business.

Well, within a year I was chomping at the bit to get out on my own again. One morning I woke up and decided “today is the day”.

I took the leap of faith and things worked out well for me. That was back in 2004.

While I only work with a couple of long term contract clients (job security) I still like to get out to live events and network with potential clients and other copywriters.

You are right on the money about leaving the bonds of your laptop to go out and explore the outside world.

For any aspiring copywriters out there who are considering breaking out on your own I highly recommend studying the past few videos heather has been gracious enough to share.

Have fun, don’t give up and keep on writing.

By: Kathryn Messer Tue, 19 Mar 2013 13:55:21 +0000 I was one of those copywriters who made a gradual transition into copywriting. When all was said and done, it was the best way to go for me.

The hardest part was working a 10-hour day job and then writing another 4-hours in the evening and all day both Saturday and Sunday. If you end up going this route, you truly have to have the support of your family.

For example, my hubby took over some household chores for me in the morning so I could get in some writing from 5am to 7am before work. My daughter helped with dinner prep in the evenings and clean up afterwards so I could use the better part of the evening to write. My kitty (Felix) was and continues to be my support and still likes to think that by placing himself between me and my computer screen that he’s somehow helping the process!

It’s not easy, but for me taking this route allowed me to put some money away, pay down some bills, spend as much money as needed for classes, certifications, website design, attend conferences, etc. before taking the plunge. The trick is determining when to pull the trigger, trusting yourself, and make a point of surrounding yourself with positive people!
