Comments on: What’s the Best Word Count for Google, Blog Posts, and SEO? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:31:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: How To Improve SEO For Your Travel Blog (4 Ways) Mon, 26 Jun 2023 15:31:37 +0000 […] and freshness are two ways to ensure first-rate content. Well-researched material of roughly 2.5K words impresses Google and propels you to the top of the search engine results page, or SERP. It is also […]

By: Joe Colato Wed, 07 Jun 2023 05:01:17 +0000 Excellent Article…
Really excellent explanations from you. Achieving a high Google ranking these days is quite difficult. The article you wrote was very helpful to me because I am new to blogging.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article.

By: Master Your Content: Must-Do Checklist for Writers 2023 Tue, 30 May 2023 21:59:16 +0000 […] Search engines always prefers content that is of more length – more than 1000 words, because they consider the article to be the complete information on the subject. Although smaller words can be classified, it is quite difficult. […]

By: Leveraging Short-Form Blogging - SMA Marketing Tue, 30 May 2023 19:46:57 +0000 […] Short-form blogging is something you should consider when choosing your average blog content length, but you should remember that for a web page of any kind such as a Landing Page or it’s recommended that you have at least 350-400 words.  […]

By: Phillip Mon, 20 Jun 2022 05:46:57 +0000 It’s June 2022 and I just did a quick Google search for “word count and seo” and came across your post. Well looks like things haven’t changed much. I target 600 words for sales pages and looks like it remains the sweet spot. My take: these 1500+ word pages are not relevant in the video age we living in now. People want quick answers these days.

By: rahuk Wed, 06 Apr 2022 16:36:26 +0000 I really try to keep my posts just around 1000-1500 words and I think this is really a good number I also got the point in your article like you explained how a 424-word article also ranked 1 on google. So, I think it’s really about the quality and quantity. Well, thanks for the great explanation and article as well.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 01 Feb 2022 16:33:34 +0000 In reply to Clio.

Clio, YES!

I have such a love/hate relationship with online tools –sometimes, their recommendations don’t make sense for the reader. That’s why I love to showcase research showing longer content isn’t always better. It gives people permission to stop stressing and write the “right” content length — and not fluff up their content with extra words.

Thanks for chiming in!

By: Clio Tue, 01 Feb 2022 09:46:56 +0000 Love this, Heather! Thanks for sharing. I’ve been asked to write using online tools that predict the word count needed for content titles recently. It’s a cool bit of insight to work with, but it doesn’t always make sense to write 2,168 words (??!!) on something that could be 1,000. It’s always good to question it rather than fill the page robotically with a certain word count.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 30 Nov 2021 16:37:36 +0000 In reply to Scott | PinArtwork.

Hi, Scott!

Great question! I never buy into the “do X and get Y result” stuff because it’s never accurate. An SEO content strategy revolves around, so many other things — and how you’d approach the content depends on the site, the marketplace, the target audience — and a host of other factors. So, although I find articles like that interesting…and certainly, he may have gotten great results — I can’t say that I’d make the same recommendation…

Thanks for your comment!

By: Scott | PinArtwork Sat, 27 Nov 2021 20:13:41 +0000 I was watching a video from Matthew Woodward. I forget the name of the video but anyhow, he said that to increase traffic by as much as 14x times you should write at least two (2) 2,500 word high-quality posts twice per month that will help improve your keywords as well as your traffic. What’s your perspective on that?
