Comments on: Should Your SEO Company Create Your Content? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Mon, 25 Feb 2019 16:28:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: SEO copywriting 101: A guide for clients Mon, 25 Feb 2019 16:28:46 +0000 […] to outsource their SEO copy. You can outsource to a freelance SEO copywriter, or sometimes your SEO company has someone on staff. Larger businesses – or companies that kick out a lot of content – […]

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Mon, 10 Dec 2018 21:45:19 +0000 In reply to Aman Kapoor (from India).

Hi, @Aman!

Great question!

I mentioned India specifically, because I receive emails from companies based in India asking me to outsource my content. :)

Having said that, I would say the same thing about outsourcing to any country. For instance, I know that things in the U.K. are spelled differently, and there may be different terminology. However, how I would approach the content as an U.S.-based copywriter — and how someone based in the U.K. would approach the content — would be totally different. That’s why I would always recommend someone based in the U.K. to write U.K. content.

(And, sadly, there are some very poor examples of offshore writing.)

Regarding working with someone fresh out of college — no matter what, those folks are “new” writers. They may have talent — and they may be good for a small business owner — but they are still green. :)

I hope that helps!


By: Aman Kapoor (from India) Thu, 06 Dec 2018 14:03:39 +0000 Why is INDIA targeted specifically? And, what’s wrong with fresh out of college?

By: SuccessWorks | SEO content mills are (almost) dead. Now what? Mon, 26 Jan 2015 22:01:51 +0000 […] it’s not just clients. Many SEO companies pay their writers peanuts, expecting them to churn out optimized sales pages for less than $20/page. Low rates encourages […]

By: Heather Wed, 23 Mar 2011 19:02:32 +0000 In reply to Brendan McCrain.

Brendan, hi!

Thanks for your feedback!

Believe me, I am more than glad that colleges are discussing SEO (and SEO copywriting.) Back in the day (and I am old guard) we had to figure it out as we went along. :) And I agree that there are too many internet marketing “experts” – although some folks certainly deserve the title.

I completely respect the fact that you were freelancing while you were in school. I did the same thing, and I remember the workload and pace. But something to consider: I am a better writer and strategist now than I was a year ago. And I am a much better writer than I was 20 years ago. I may have been technically proficient, but I hadn’t honed my craft. I hadn’t worked with many clients, and experienced the, uh, unique perspective clients can bring to the table. :)

Granted, I did learn back when it was all about print ads – you’re right there! But many of those “old school” direct response concepts and strategies work today. New twist, old idea.

That’s not to say that you aren’t good at what you do. But something to consider: Not every graduate freelanced while in school. Not ever graduate understands the writing-to- sell nuances. Most of them are still pretty green and need a lot of mentoring (which is OK – we were all green once.) There is no disrespect meant to college graduates – and there is nothing wrong with hiring a college graduate if the hire is appropriate for the job requirement. But if a client needs someone more experienced, chances are the recent graduate would not be able to help them as much.

Thanks again for your feedback. :)

By: Brendan McCrain Wed, 23 Mar 2011 15:57:17 +0000 I know this post is old, but I had to comment. You said:

“The last thing you want is to find out that their “experienced SEO copywriter” is someone fresh out of college ”

It’s funny that any industry I work in, there’s some amount of disdain for students just out of college. Your dad’s attitude might be funny to you, but it isn’t based at all in fact.

You can’t possibly have so much more “real” experience than half the writers on the internet. SEO hasn’t been around long enough for all of you to be claiming you’re one of the old guard. I get that writing is changing and there are fewer markets in the print world and all of a sudden, if you were a writer before the boom, you’re an expert on internet marketing.

Most of you “old guard” didn’t have a single college course related to online communications or marketing for the web, whereas my education was entirely about writing for the future, not for newspapers or print ads.

I don’t see what’s wrong with hiring someone right out of college (except that it’s not you), I was top of my class and I started freelancing while I was still in school; my clients have always received high-quality work. In some instances, I’ve replaced more experienced copywriters who couldn’t adapt to writing for the web.

Colleges are (slowly) recognizing the demand for our skill set and are teaching kids to write targeted and optimized copy right out the gate. You’d be better off hiring the recent graduates of these schools than half of the “experienced” writers out there.

Now I have to go find third base…

By: How to explain SEO copywriting to clients | SEO Copywriting Thu, 09 Dec 2010 16:21:02 +0000 […] Content – accused by some as being a “content mill” company. Some SEO companies pay low-dollar for writing and refuse to pay more for higher quality work. We love what content does for us. But […]

By: BrandSocialism – 30 Content SEO, Marketing, Creation, Strategy & Promotion Insights + Resources | SEOptimise Sat, 16 Oct 2010 22:39:22 +0000 […] read stuffing, they are after real content. Thus I refer to content SEO here, not SEO content or “old school” SEO copywriting simply for the sake of mentioning […]

By: 30 Content SEO, Marketing, Creation, Strategy & Promotion Insights + Resources | Search Engine Marketing strategies, SEM at Wed, 08 Sep 2010 11:23:52 +0000 […] read stuffing, they are after real content. Thus I refer to content SEO here, not SEO content or “old school” SEO copywriting simply for the sake of mentioning […]

By: SEO Copywriting | No one engine should have all that power Thu, 26 Aug 2010 16:34:54 +0000 […] important, and then some SEO companies outsource the content to India, pay their copywriters $20 a page, or don’t offer content services at […]
