Comments on: Why Shouldn’t I Handle My SEO Copywriting In-House? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Sat, 29 Dec 2018 16:13:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Louise Ralph Wed, 20 May 2009 06:39:17 +0000 I agree. Many people think, if they just had the time, they’d be able write it themselves. So they resent paying for it, and meanwhile that writing project keeps dropping to the bottom of their list.

Enter the (external) copywriter: highly skilled, objective, focused on achieving the goals the client wants, able to create clear copy to deadline.

Cheap at (almost) any price! :)

By: Heather Tue, 19 May 2009 04:46:51 +0000 In reply to Tara Estacaan.

Exactly! I understand why companies want to keep their writing in-house. Heck, I train in-house writers all the time and hear all the reasons about “why in-house is better.” At the same time, these are folks who want to learn SEO copywriting and have a talent for it.

People who don’t like write or who don’t have the time to learn the craft (and it does take time to master) should outsource their SEO content, plain and simple. It will make their lives much easier – and they’ll be uploading quality pages that they couldn’t write themselves.

Welcome to the SEO Copywriting community, Tara! Thanks for your comment!

By: Tara Estacaan Tue, 19 May 2009 04:17:41 +0000 Nicely laid! I agree to all you have posted here! Not all people can be writers that is why this field can be best given to the ones who know how words work.

By: Heather Wed, 15 Apr 2009 19:46:55 +0000 In reply to Justin Black.

Mike! So wonderful to hear from you!

LOL – yes, LOTS of bodily metaphors there. But you’re right. It’s hard for some people – even when budget is available – to outsource. They get hung up on “free” – when that can be the worst thing for them. Free can most definitely have a price…and when it does, outsourcing is the better alternative.

By: Heather Wed, 15 Apr 2009 15:13:27 +0000 In reply to Claire.

Claire, you’re exactly right! I’ve worked with so many small business owners who spent hours trying to come up with just one Web page. The hated the process, they hated the page they wrote and they hated the fact that they’d have to pay to have one written. :)

Then, when they see their new copy created by a SEO copywriter (created in just a few days rather than a few weeks), the owner is blown away. It’s exactly what they wanted – or close enough to that we can easily tweak it. And THEN they see the value of outsourcing! ;)

Great comments. Thank you!

By: Claire Wed, 15 Apr 2009 07:35:55 +0000 Yes agreed, doing this, the SEO copywriter will look at the business objectively and write what the customer needs to hear. You as a business owner may have so much floating around in your head, there is no good putting it all in writing as you may baffle people with content they do not want to hear. As you have said SEO copywriters actually enjoy what they do, and do not see it as a chore. They will write something fantastic, too the point, search engine friendly, in half the amount of time.
