How to Master Meta Descriptions With the Google Snippet Trick

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Last…

What If B2B Keyphrase Research Doesn't Work?

Looking for B2B keywords? What do you do when conventional…

9 Reasons Why You're Losing Freelance Writing Gigs

What are the most frustrating words you can hear (or read) after…

Wondering What to Write About? Try This!

How many of you get stuck in the "what should I write about"…

Still Using Google's Keyword Planner? Your Time May Be Up.

Cover Photo by Caleb Woods on Unsplash Over the years,…

What's Your Copywriting Superpower?

Have you seen the latest Marketing Profs 2018 Marketing Salary…

Over 70 Percent of Top-Ten Sites Have This Characteristic

Quick: What's a common characteristic of 70 percent (or more)…

Should Writers Care About Voice Search?

Do you feel like voice search is a fad, and people will eventually…

Is Content Syndication Spammy?

Imagine this... The editor of a popular site emails you and…

What's the Best Keyword Research Tool to Use?

Are you looking for the best keyword research tool out there…