Comments on: Just Write! Ian Lurie on Why You Have to, Even If You Think You Don’t SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Wed, 13 Feb 2019 22:09:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: Katherine Andes Fri, 21 Oct 2011 03:08:53 +0000 Ian! Love it … it’s something I wish I had written. Laughed OL!

By: Ozio Media Tue, 07 Jun 2011 17:12:05 +0000 Excellent post. Any business with the mentality that their customers do not read needs to change their way of thinking. All the doubters out there need to take a good look at their competitors and leaders of their industry and see how they use writing to draw in customers. Well written copy engages, interacts with, and guides potential customers on what to do next, such as a call to action. There are plenty of freelance writers out there who are more than willing to do the writing for these businesses.

By: Conversation Marketing Tue, 07 Jun 2011 13:59:09 +0000 Yes, you have to write. No, you don’t have an excuse….

I wrote a guest post for Heather Lloyd-Martin’s SEO Copywriting blog. In it, I write about Tribbles, fish, and why you have to write, even if you think your clients are illiterate rodents. Read Just Write!…….
