Comments on: Freelance Writers: Here’s How to Conquer Career Burnout SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Thu, 30 May 2019 13:09:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Wed, 20 Apr 2016 23:45:09 +0000 In reply to Carol.

Carol, this is a fantastic idea! I can see how those fun “milestones” would make a BIG difference!

Thanks so much for your comment (and your idea!).

By: Carol Wed, 20 Apr 2016 23:35:56 +0000 The best technique I’ve learned to get me through dull, difficult times toward my retirement date was making a calendar of short-term upcoming “Events” to look forward to, thus breaking up the monotomy: On April 21, I have a relaxing retreat coming up; on May 7, there is a great party I’m looking forward to; on May 14, I reach my 20-year work anniversary and am entitled to a big bonus; on July 1, I’m leaving on a two-week vacation to South America, and so forth. You’d be surprised how quickly times passes when doing this. It will get you through the “Wall.”

By: Donna Fontenot Tue, 19 May 2015 15:37:07 +0000 Enjoy your sabbatical! Would love to hear how that works out. I understand burnout all too well. And sometimes, burnout happens in conjunction with other life moments that combine forces to make you realize you have no other choice but to make a choice! Whether that is age or health or some change in circumstances, if those changes happen at the same time as a burnout, look out! As I shift into a completely different mode, with my wedding industry business, I feel rejuvenated and happy to be working again. I’ll still do the occasional web work that I’ve been doing for years, but now it will be the sideline rather than the focus. That makes the burnout much easier to take. Thanks for sharing this. It helps to know we are not alone.

By: Heather Wed, 02 May 2012 22:40:51 +0000 Thanks, Courtney! And congrats on transforming your business! How are you doing things differently this time? :)

By: Courtney Ramirez Wed, 02 May 2012 18:40:31 +0000 So so so very timely Heather! As usual. I am transforming my business for the 15th time (it seems like) due to burnout and frustration. I loved your perspective in this article.

By: Heather Fri, 27 Apr 2012 14:16:03 +0000 In reply to Lyena Solomon.

GREAT tips! Thank you!

The work/life balance is definitely a challenge for me. :) And planning my sabbatical has been quite the interesting exercise in how to keep everything balanced. I’m having to turn folks away and say that I can’t work with them until I’m back in the office. Of course, I hear, “But can’t you fit me in before you leave?” The old Heather would have said yes and worked 18 hour days to make it happen. The new Heather calmly explains that no, there is no available time – and I’ll be much more focused when I’m back.

It’s a strange feeling. But a good one.:)

By: Lyena Solomon Thu, 26 Apr 2012 15:51:47 +0000 Heather,

As a survivor of a burnout myself, I thank you for this post. Often people recognize that they are burned out when it is too late to do anything about it.

I have a couple of tips I use to make sure it does not happen again.

1. Decide what the balance between your personal life and work is. Then, plan your personal life first. Work – second.

2. When you sacrifice your personal time for work, keep score. Missed your kid’s soccer practice? Make up for it that weekend by taking them to a ball game. Do not postpone it.

3. Focus. There is always more work than you can possibly do. When you have goals, you know what the most important work is. Do it first.

And the most important trick I learned early on – leave your work at work.

By: Heather Thu, 26 Apr 2012 15:49:18 +0000 You are so right. Sometimes, it feels like life is waiting for us to do what we’re *supposed* to do. Once we make the leap, things fall into place and good stuff happens. It may be scary (really scary) to make the leap – but things typically do work out.

Fortune does favor the brave. :)

Good luck with your business – it sounds like a fantastic move for you!

By: craig wright Thu, 26 Apr 2012 15:19:10 +0000 I’m in exactly the same boat – been cruising along, not pushing myself and going through the motions, bored out of my brains. Then the company I worked for was taken over, new contracts were issued and I ‘woke up’. Financially, I needed that job, but something inside just said – take a risk, go self employed. It is scary, but it feels like the right thing to do and that line from the film Inception keeps entering my head: Take a Leap of Faith. Incidentally, this was going through my mind when you posted that article about self doubt a few weeks back. As Laurie said, the timing of your blog posts is uncanny!

Strangely, now that I’ve made the decision to go it alone, I’ve newfound enthusiasm for my original career (technical writing) as well as copywriting. I feel the need to learn, improve and be a better me. And lots of little opportunities have started to crop up.

Life is strange like that. Something always seems to turn up if you have the guts to make the change. My brother changes jobs all the time and he has far more responsibilities than me, but he never worries about anything. Fortune favours the brave!

By: Heather Thu, 26 Apr 2012 14:18:41 +0000 In reply to Laurie.

LOL – I’m in your head! (I’m really not….promise!)

Good for you! And isn’t it funny how sometime life kicks us in the rear and forces us to make a decision – in your case, it was getting laid off.

You’re probably still in shock from being laid off – and you’ve spent a LONG time in your current career, so the transition would be hard. Take some time. Relax. Go somewhere or do something outside of your comfort zone. You’ll figure it out…really.
