Comments on: Is Content Syndication Spammy? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Thu, 17 Jan 2019 23:15:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: 30+ More Articles On Content Syndication in 2019 | Only B2B Wed, 02 Jan 2019 14:38:35 +0000 […] Is Content Syndication Spammy? – SuccessWorks – SEO Copywriting by Heather Lloyd-Martin on Success Works […]

By: Empowermented Wed, 20 Dec 2017 04:26:50 +0000 We use content syndication pretty heavily to get the word out with blog content. The one thing we make sure to do is wait for the content to be indexed on our own blog before we send it out to any other places. We also make sure the rel=canonical tag is applied if possible, although some sites aren’t going to make that easy for you. Instead,always make sure to at least leave a link back to the original article on your site. This should save you from Google having any confusion there on who the original source is. And it directs any readers back to your own site.

By: Sandra Muller Sat, 09 Dec 2017 06:19:48 +0000 I syndicate my blog content to platforms like Medium that automatically add the rel=canonical tag. It’s great to have it confirmed that this is the way to go. I’d be shattered if Google recognised another site as the original source of my content.

By: Gary Mon, 04 Dec 2017 12:04:12 +0000 Hi Heather – great article. My education continues. To syndicate, or not to syndicate – that was the question!
Now I know it’s fine.



By: Carolyn Thu, 23 Nov 2017 13:14:38 +0000 My answer to this would be no, as long as it’s done correctly

By: Steven Tue, 14 Nov 2017 12:58:59 +0000 Hi,

Great article this is my opinion on it from the point of view of a hardcore SEO. Personally, i believe the way it works is if you are syndicating your content onto another site then you should look at two things first.

1) Has my site had the content indexed first and does Google understand that i was the original poster.

2) Is the site syndicating my content a better resource?

The way i see it is i only want other sites to post my content if they are going to be bringing in new visitors and if they are worth it in terms of the backlink i get. For example if i posted to one site then Forbes or Business Insider wanted to post it then fine but if it’s just some random tiny blog then no thanks.


By: carolyn Sat, 04 Nov 2017 10:40:51 +0000 Great article. There really is a fine line as to what is spam and what isn’t and with Google forever changing, we really are kept on our toes!

By: Marcin Kordowski Thu, 26 Oct 2017 08:27:27 +0000 Thanks for awesome article. Another good practice is publish content on your own site, if you are owner of the content, add URL via the Google Search Console to the Google index and after that syndicate on third-part websites. Best, Marcin,
