Comments on: Great keyword phrases you can’t use: FDA regulations & SEO SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:26:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: SEO and small business | Keywords | Build Your website Fri, 23 Jan 2015 06:26:31 +0000 […] Supplements were distinguished from drugs by defining drugs as the only substances that can cure, prevent or alleviate the symptoms of a disease. Despite literally hundreds of thousands of published studies showing they help with diseases, supplements can only be discussed with reference to how they support a normal, healthy structure or function in the body.1 […]

By: Norman Kerman Wed, 02 Apr 2014 04:22:00 +0000 Yes, it’s true. I have been manufacturing health products since 5 years. I had hired a writer for website content writing, and she just provided pieces of crap. Ranking of my website started falling due to poor and spammy content. I became helpless, as I knew nothing about copywriting. I came across Your Copywriter’s website, and had talked with Michael Jones. He is a wonderful natural health copywriter, and has been working for my website for over 2 years. My site is now performing well on search engines, and I am also getting good leads.

By: Sarah Mon, 03 Dec 2012 12:05:50 +0000 Molly,

Believe me – if you’ve pored over testimonials of women struggling to find relief . . . if you’ve interviewed health practitioners describing how ineffective standard treatments are . . . if you looked at the stat’s of how often yeast infections recur and turn into more serious conditions . . . you wouldn’t see that as a non sequitur. My experience as a health writer has given me a window into many experiences I hope to never have.

By: Mollie Reidland Mon, 03 Dec 2012 00:11:02 +0000 “As a health writer of close to 15 years, I know how frustrating chronic yeast infections are.”

As a user of the English language for 30 years, I know how frustrating non sequiturs can be.

By: Sarah Wed, 11 Jul 2012 15:46:10 +0000 Inge, you’re right. Over and over again I’ve helped family and friends with information that their doctor’s have no clue about. I love this work because I learn so much useful information.
Not to sound like a broken record – however – it’s very frustrating to be hampered in sharing this info with people who are desperately looking for it (your market) that’s why it’s so important to find strategic ways – like the 2-click rule – to try and share it. As well as develop creative ways to hit on people’s core desires that allow you to speak to them without mentioning disease claims. Thanks for commenting!

By: Inge Papp Wed, 11 Jul 2012 13:34:07 +0000 This is a fascinating post, Sarah, and one that I believe many young copywriters should read! One of the scary things about writing for the holistic or natural medicine industry is that you unearth a lot of research that flies in the face of conventional wisdom regarding diseases and their cures. Thanks for bringing this issue to light :)

By: Sarah Thu, 05 Jul 2012 17:36:53 +0000 Aaron,
Interesting to hear about similar challenges in another area. Indeed, that’s exactly what works here. In fact, it opens up a whole new demand for good SEO content writing as part of the extended sales funnel. Have you used this in real estate copy?

By: Aaron Hoos Thu, 05 Jul 2012 16:50:08 +0000 Thanks for the blog post! I write in a different field (financial and real estate) and face similar regulations from different regulating bodies. :)

These regulating bodies might have consumer’s best interests at heart but it makes things challenging for us writers, particularly since prospects are searching for specific words that we can no longer use.

It makes me wonder if there is a burgeoning opportunity for a new type of “bridge” content, almost like your 2-clicks-away idea but in reverse. In your example, perhaps there is a legal way to discuss disease and nutritional supplements and THEN drive prospects to your customer’s sales pages. It adds an extra layer to the sales funnel but it might solve the challenge you and I (and our copywriting peers) face.

By: german technical translation Thu, 05 Jul 2012 10:44:23 +0000 The last word in a sentence is the one that lingers; it’s the one that stays with the reader, so make the word powerful.

By: Sarah Tue, 03 Jul 2012 22:36:18 +0000 Craig, not to distract too much from the topic at hand . . . I’ve seen supplements cure cancer, MS and allergies.

Best cure for this crazy legislation is education. And then as SEO copywriters, we can encourage our clients to develop info/edu websites or content archives that work within the two-click rule structure.

The two-click rule gives us some flexibility in discussing the terrific research behind botanical and nutritional cures. It allows us to discuss ingredients and their role in helping with disease as long as we stay clear of mentioning the branded product.
