Comments on: 25 SEO Copywriting Tips and Content Ideas You Can Implement Today SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Tue, 22 Jan 2019 16:44:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ken Jansen Thu, 25 Nov 2010 04:07:32 +0000 Hi Heather,
Great article. I am going back and rewriting some of my stuff! Thanks again.

By: Lisa Keller Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:50:20 +0000 Thanks for the tips, Heather. Please tell me that no one is paying attention to keyword density anymore! And I feel like #6 is becoming the new keyword-stuffed body content issue. Titles and descriptions are prime areas for calls to action that so many people miss.

Do you have a process you recommend for developing customer personas?

By: Heather Georgoudiou Tue, 23 Nov 2010 14:49:26 +0000 Wow. What a great list. I especially love #3. Sometimes I can get stuck in a certain format, which may change depending on the client.

Thanks again for the great advice.You’re an awesome mentor!

By: Yeh yeh - you know you need great content. But what IS great content? | Tue, 23 Nov 2010 11:03:51 +0000 […] anyone looking for further SEO copywriting advice I found this blog helpful: CONTENT IDEAS YOU CAN IMPLEMENT TODAY posted by henry in Copywriting,Editorial,New Media and have No […]

By: Vocus Online Conference “Retweet – Engagment Means Business” Summary Part 1 – Lee Odden | GVO Conference International Prelaunch Sat, 20 Nov 2010 22:13:08 +0000 […] 25 SEO copywriting tips and content ideas you can implement today … […]

By: Heather Fri, 19 Nov 2010 15:09:55 +0000 In reply to Maciej Fita.

LOL- you’re so right! And wow, there are a lot of freelance job listings that ask for a “freelance copywriter to write 1,000 word articles for $10.” Really? REALLY? :)

Thanks for your comment. :)

By: Maciej Fita Fri, 19 Nov 2010 12:43:28 +0000 I personally like number 16. I still see people who want a 1000 articles written around one topic. Really?? what could that possibly do you for you besides trigger a penalty?

By: Amy C. Teeple Thu, 18 Nov 2010 18:40:49 +0000 Love this post! Thanks Heather!

I Tweeted #7 on its own. Yes, sometimes you might only need a quick blurb of copy that $25 will cover. However, if your conversions (and therefore your business) depend on the copy, SPEND THE MONEY! (I know you know this – just emphasizing for those who don’t.) Yes, $1,500 can be a lot for a small business; however, if it results in $10,000 in sales, I’d say it was worth the investment.

Instead of naming each gem again, I’ll just say that the rest of your advice is pretty spot on too. :-)

Education and training is so important. Even if you THINK you know everything you need to know – guess what, you don’t. I learned that about myself this year. Going through your SEO Copywriting certificate program not only taught me some new techniques, but it also reminded me about the importance of tactics that I already knew, but would sometimes rush through. Knowledge IS power – might be corny, but it’s true. Never stop learning: take a class; read up on industry blogs; read book from an expert in your field or (sometimes even better) and expert in a related field.

Thanks again for the post!
