Comments on: Beware the SEO Copywriting B.S. – 3 Tips about Those Online Tips SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Thu, 21 Feb 2019 00:54:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Douglas Thomas Fri, 30 Sep 2011 22:02:31 +0000 The other thing to watch out for on especially SEO industry blogs is the pure fluff piece: the one that’s filled with nothing that brings anything, even something old, to the table, but somehow has a few targeted links to previous posts…

The other thing is that there’s a palpable difference between real advice and “field of dreams” styled advice. Is the advice so broad as to be meaningless? Is it aphoristic or actionable? A saying like “Content is King” is worth nothing without saying what kind of content converts well for what you do; furthermore, not having any stats seriously removes most beneficial information from advice.

It’s important to make sure that the piece you’re reading isn’t just an ad in information’s clothing.

By: Judith Mon, 26 Sep 2011 07:30:29 +0000 It’s rather difficult to distinguish between what’s true and what’s b.s. about SEO with all the advise and tips floating around. Unfortunately many people who readily offer their two cents aren’t qualified to give it. While the ones in the know guard it like fort knox. Thanks for your common sense tips on evaluating these tips. :D

By: Beware the SEO copywriting B.S. - 3 tips about those online tips | SEO Copywriting | freelance copywriting | Tue, 16 Aug 2011 18:01:47 +0000 […] Beware the SEO copywriting B.S. – 3 tips about those online tips | SEO Copywriting This week's video post responds to a reader's question posted in the LinkedIn SEO Copywriting group: will bullet points hurt my SEO? Such b.s. is thick online. Beware. Source: […]

By: Heather Mon, 25 Jul 2011 20:45:29 +0000 In reply to Susan Baird.

Hi, Susan!

Once upon a time, about 12 years ago, I used to say that copy should be about 250 words for the search engines. I NEVER meant it to be a hard and fast rule – but people (obviously) took it that way.

There is no “rule” about a content word count. Yes, more copy is better – ASSUMING it makes sense. And granted, a page with 50 words may not position as well as a page with 500 well-written words. But if you feel like you’re writing fluff just to fit some sort of artificial word count, quit writing. :) You’ve done your job.


By: Susan Baird Mon, 25 Jul 2011 20:35:01 +0000 Thanks, Heather! It remains incredibly difficult to separate SEO fact from fiction, including when it comes to copywriting.

I’ve paid close attention and have a lot of respect for Brian Clark at Copyblogger ( and subscribe to his tool ScribeSEO ( Are you familiar with it?

One parameter that ScribeSEO suggests is that content should be 300 words, and I’m constantly going back and forth between that advice and feeling like short and sweet when appropriate is better.

What’s your take?
