Comments on: How to thrive post-Hummingbird: A guide for SEO content creators SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Thu, 06 Nov 2014 10:31:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: 14 Must-Read SEO Copywriting Tips - SEO Copywriting Thu, 06 Nov 2014 10:31:46 +0000 […] Hummingbird, Hummingbird, Hummingbird. This time last year, Google’s algorithmic switcheroo was THE hot topic. If you’re wondering what Google’s Hummingbird algorithm means to SEO content creators, check out this post.  […]

By: Adam Sat, 18 Jan 2014 12:49:11 +0000 This will mean that SEO experts have to pull up their socks and fortify their technical knowledge by becoming more informative across many fields.

By: Terry Van Horne Fri, 20 Dec 2013 23:17:41 +0000 By the way Barry…no way Hummingbird knocks you off page 1 to 10… it knocks you down a little… you have to have a huge problem that goes well beyond hummingbird… sounds more like Panda. Judging by the way you mentioned content…. quality would not be high on your list…since it is obvious you don’t see the value to the user! Something tells me if your site was still ranked high…would not hear about an issue of quality of results from you… sorry I am not big on pity parties… I’m likely the only one here giving you the straight goods. I feel for you… I do not feel sorry or pity for you…

IMO, you are ranked where you deserve to be ranked based on your utter disdain for content and users who use it. I don’t care what product it is people are on the internet to learn about what they are buying… they are looking to be informed consumers… your/our job is to give them the best content possible…. don’t expect success if you don’t meet that need!

By: Terry Van Horne Fri, 20 Dec 2013 23:02:09 +0000 “Some sites are about ‘efficient services! Why does a site need to have pages of ‘content’ if a customer simply wants to go to it to buy/sell and leave!”

Because a search engine can not quantify relevance of customer service or anything from customer service how could it possibly or for that matter any search or service measure that? Quite simply your expectations are rediculous!!!

That said most search engines can measure (mind you, not very well ) sentiment about customer service in Social so if the above is your beef the way to position on Search is to amplify your Social visibility which will indirectly make you more visible in search and is the only way you can really **demonstrate** your USP. That’s why people should be writing good content… to demonstrate their **capabilities** only a complete idiot believes content is for Search engines…. it’s for people to discover on Search engines otherwise… it fails miserably in meeting the goals of the content which is TO MOVE PEOPLE TOWARDS AN ACTION!

By: Kered Pople Sat, 23 Nov 2013 15:44:42 +0000 Hi, Tracy

Thanks for the follow-up post and tips you have given me on developing personas, etc. It makes 100% sense what you have said.

To add to your post I think we all miss out on opportunities that are hanging around in the office, for an example pictures and mock ups. All this kind of material can be written about and put on a resource page or a labs page. This content will be unique to your brand and helpful to customers.

The benefit of this is the customer can enquire about the services you offer and also view lab pages or resource pages. This gives the customer another angle to view up and coming projects or completed projects.

By: Tracy Mallette Thu, 21 Nov 2013 11:53:16 +0000 I’m glad this post helps, Nolan! It’s definitely worth keeping up to date on Google’s algorithm changes for the benefit of clients who might not have been doing things correctly all along. I don’t think there’s a lot to worry about for SEO copywriters who have always written quality, relevant content and continue to do so.

By: Nolan Wilson Thu, 21 Nov 2013 03:44:04 +0000 Thanks for all the resources. I think that many writers and SEO’s are taking some extra time to read about what to do next post Hummingbird.

By: Local Seo: Tips On Improving Your Visibility | Econsultancy | Honorable Mentions Sun, 17 Nov 2013 12:45:10 +0000 […] Additionally, the old way of creating keyword-stuffed content is officially dead. In our revamped roundup, check out this compilation of expert articles on writing the write way for Googles new era and share yourfavorite Hummingbird writing tip in the comments below. Brad Lawless writes Google Hummingbird and Influencer Marketing Quality Content Always Wins for Business 2 Community . Gini Dietrich gives us Hummingbird Update: What it Means for PR Pros over at Spin Sucks . Forbes says Google Hummingbird: A Mobile Content Marketing Strategy Just Became Essential by Jayson DeMers. Search Engine Journa ls Rick Egan writes 3 Ways Content Will Be Affected by Googles Latest Hummingbird Update. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit… […]

By: expert seo company Mon, 28 Oct 2013 07:02:54 +0000 Well Tracy, it is really a nice collection of articles by experts about the latest update hummingbird. Well in my opinion the SEO is neither dead nor will be dead anytime. There are some changes in the algorithm for sure. The search engines is going to behave like humans now understanding the meaning of the search query typed by the users, instead of going with the words types only. There are many queries having meanings in them, but the older search algorithm used to go with the different words in the key phrase, but after hummingbird getting launched the actual meaning of the search query will be analyzed before availing the search results. So, SEO is not dead, but the results will be now fresh and precise as per the user’s requirements.

By: Tracy Mallette Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:57:09 +0000 You’re welcome, Kered! I’m glad it helps! You’re absolutely right about duplicate, unique and useful content.

I think the key to writing more useful content than your competitors is becoming highly focused on your customers. Develop personas and learn what keeps them up at night so you can provide content with the solutions they’re looking for. Creating content with solutions to specific problems, rather than broad topics about your services, will set you apart from the competition.
