Comments on: What John Lennon Can Teach You About a Lifestyle Business SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Thu, 04 Apr 2019 17:18:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarah @ Your Healthy Home Biz Mon, 01 Jul 2013 17:22:36 +0000 Heather, this is a valuable post. A freelance biz gives you lots of freedom. But freedom doesn’t mean you can do all of everything. It’s up to you to make the choices that comes with it. But bottomline – money can’t buy you love, health or peace of mind. The challenge is to balance having enough, appreciating what you have and focusing on getting what you need.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Sat, 09 Mar 2013 18:54:16 +0000 @Katherine – you’re welcome. :)

I’m sure that the hours will eventually work out. In the meantime, consider if you *can* raise your prices a little more – or if you can create a new profit center. Reaching your “working shorter hours” goal could be closer than you think!

By: Katherine Andes Sat, 09 Mar 2013 14:30:36 +0000 Thanks SO much for this, Heather. I don’t want to go the “agency” route at all. I like to think of myself as a custom or boutique business. I am definitely not “scalable.” I am still working longer hours than I want to work … but I think that will work out eventually when I can charge higher rates.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 05 Mar 2013 17:22:38 +0000 @Jennifer – I was thinking the same thing. It’s funny how it takes us so long to realize that we have the power to build our own lives.

On the other hand, when we really *do* figure it out, it makes the knowledge that much sweeter. ;)

By: Jennifer Nice Tue, 05 Mar 2013 16:29:42 +0000 Fantastic! I’ve been on the same trajectory, just not able to articulate is as well as you just did. Now we’re in the process of selling our home and downsizing to have even more margin and freedom. I love “you are the architect of your life.” The irony is that it can take many years before we figure this out. Thanks for writing, Heather!

By: Amy C. Teeple Thu, 28 Feb 2013 17:17:17 +0000 “Choosing a lifestyle business doesn’t mean it’s all bon bons and soap opera reruns. It means you make different choices about how you spend your time.” Love this!

Recently I CHOSE to get an office (that wasn’t in my condo) and I love it. It means that I no longer sit at my laptop from 8am to 10pm and wonder where my day went. I get my work done and then go home – it’s what works for me.

And …
I still have the flexibility to do my own thing. I am working on the road right now – because I can.

Great stuff Heather!
