Comments on: When to Walk Away from a Freelance Writing Client SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Tue, 26 Feb 2019 14:30:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Louise Desmarais Tue, 22 Feb 2011 02:47:52 +0000 I like #4. We’ve all had the high maintenance client who always seems to want more out of you than the work you were hired to do.

This is an awesome post. There really is nothing wrong with having to “fire” a client if the fit isn’t right. It can be tough to do, but at the end of the day, it’s better for everyone concerned.

By: Courtney Thu, 10 Feb 2011 16:13:53 +0000 Glad I found this post! I just went through the process of “shedding” a few clients that weren’t right. One was prompted by me and the other was one that needed to be dropped but I drug my feet. They weren’t happy with the project and neither was I.

Any tips for broaching the subject via email or on the phone when you know it’s not the right project for you?

By: Jeffrey Gross Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:02:43 +0000 I agree that the points you have made are the hardest things to do professionally! its really important to judge and back away from something that really isnt working for any reason, share it openly and put your foot down.

By: Amy C. Teeple Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:26:41 +0000 Quick follow-up. The recently fired client wants another chance. This is like a breakup. I got an email asking me to find a way to continue working together … except they couldn’t pay me any more money. (Did I mention they were paying less than half of what I get from other clients?) Like, I said, I like these people, but if they can’t even budge a little of my biggest issue, they really don’t want to work with me. Oh well.

By: emanns Wed, 09 Feb 2011 14:20:53 +0000 Great post- I’ve run into this myself and that was just doing content mill type work. I had a woman I worked with who, at first, was timely with payments. Her terms even said that she’d pay every Friday once she approved the project. Suddenly, the payment stopped and she had the “woe is me” story about how her client still had to go through all the articles and that she’d pay when they paid. Well, over four weeks went by and when I followed up (only twice mind you) she snapped at all her writers on her forum and said we were being impatient and unreasonable.

Needless to say, I told her that I’d no longer write until I got paid for the project. Within a week, she ponied up the cash (even though she had claimed she didn’t have the money). I decided to end the relationship there as it had really stressed me out- and she got VERY nasty about it (I was asking Derek for advice at the time so he can back me up on this one).

So, pretty much all I’m really saying here is like your post said, don’t ignore the flags and trust your gut.

By: Amy C. Teeple Tue, 08 Feb 2011 18:31:59 +0000 Hi Heather! I agree with Derek – another timely post!

Last week – after months of debate with myself – I finally “fired” a client. I was very open as to why (paying less than half of my current rate and too many layers between me and their clients making for some major miscommunication, among other things). It was not easy because I really liked the people at the company, but our working relationship was no longer benefiting me and I was afraid that it would eventually show in my work (and that wasn’t fair to them).

I have to echo what you said about “a whole bunch of soul-searching and some pretty big cojones.” About a year ago I had a client who was my bread and butter. However, they began to change what they wanted me to do – they wanted me to change from an SEO analyst and copywriter to a “$10/article content mill writer – and were less than timely with payments. I realized that I would be walking away from the comfort of knowing that I had steady income, but I needed to make the break. I found myself with another client who could make up most of the lost income, so I went ahead and (professionally) walked away. Unfortunately, about 4-5 months later, that new client had to freeze all copywriting projects because the corporate office wanted to rebrand the company. Six months later and I am still waiting for them to work through the red tape of rebranding a corporate identity.

So, my advice is to have many backup plans when you walk away from that client … and to make sure you diversify your client base. The freeing feeling of walking away can be dampened if you find yourself without another client. Thankfully, the void has since been filled, but it was a bit scary for a couple of months.

Thanks again for the timely article.

By: dcromwell Tue, 08 Feb 2011 17:12:00 +0000 I love your posts Heather, they’re always so well timed. You read your followers well and that’s a good model for those who pay attention (can be translated to something we should be doing for our clients).

I know I and a few others in the SEO copywriting group had to deal with this recently. Mine specifically had to do with raising rates. I just couldn’t afford to keep producing for one client that’s been with me since I started. I felt terrible pushing prices up but at some point you just have to make a change. As I expected, he left and found someone new.

Those gut feelings are big as well and I’ll rally on that point all day and night. Before most of my business started coming through my site I did a lot of gig hunting on Elance. Sometimes I’d read a job, nod, jump into make a proposal and then… I’d suddenly stop typing after a few words and just pause. That twinge would pop up and I’d just say “nope”. Hit the back button, and find a new gig.

And because I love to share experiences – I finally had to stop pushing myself so hard and start telling clients to take a number. It was right around the time you gave me the virtual slap actually (i love your unsolicited advice). I keep a steady 2 week waiting period now as new clients come in and I don’t feel anywhere near as stressed. Those that aren’t willing to wait move on and I’m OK with that.

Can’t save em all :)

Again, great post – thanks for taking the time.
