Comments on: How to build an internal content team: Do this, not that SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Wed, 20 Nov 2013 10:00:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: SEO copywriting roundup: Hottest posts week of Nov. 19, 2013 » SEO Copywriting Wed, 20 Nov 2013 10:00:16 +0000 […] own Heather Lloyd-Martin tells us How to build an internal content team: Do this, not that on SEO […]

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:12:08 +0000 In reply to Kevin Carlton.

@Kevin. You’re exactly right about conferences. Most conferences give their speakers 10-15 minutes to present. So providing ANY in-depth information is darn near impossible. Sad, but true. :(

By: Kered Pople Mon, 18 Nov 2013 14:11:51 +0000 This is a very interesting read. At present, we are creating content internally. We are also testing content that has been written in the top 10 for different keywords and keyword phrases.

It seems that almost every bit of data returned in the search results has a percentage of themes included in the content.

With the above taken into consideration we are now writing content to include our theme words to give us a more natural approach to creating content.

Your post suggests some key information in creating content internally and explains it well. I think going to SEO conferences is a mayor plus signal for any company.

Another great point in your post is about deadlines, which are hard to hit in content writing.

By: Kevin Carlton Mon, 18 Nov 2013 13:48:58 +0000 Heather

I love your comment about sending staff to an SEO conference ‘to learn all about SEO copywriting’.

I don’t think I’ve ever been to a conference (of any description) and come back having learnt something new.

Conferences have their place, I’m sure. But they’re not somewhere where ever I’ve known anyone to get down to specifics.

By: Weekly Web Gems: Top Shelf Copy's Online Marketing News - Top Shelf Copy Sat, 16 Nov 2013 03:33:27 +0000 […] How to build an internal content team: Do this, not that | Heather Lloyd-Martin via SEO Copywriting. […]

By: SearchCap: The Day In Search, November 14, 2013 Thu, 14 Nov 2013 22:01:58 +0000 […] How to build an internal content team: Do this, not that, SEO Copywriting […]
