Comments on: Is Your Content Really Failing? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Thu, 17 Jan 2019 23:15:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Joe Balestrino Fri, 13 May 2016 15:06:02 +0000 I come across a lot of “writers” that don’t even research the keywords they should be writing around.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 08 Dec 2015 16:34:21 +0000 In reply to John Albin.

Good points, John. Some companies don’t really benefit from a social presence — although it’s important to test and see what works.

Just curious — you mentioned that “there is more to content than just well-crafted, useful information.” What else would you include?


By: John Albin Tue, 08 Dec 2015 11:19:19 +0000 I would agree that the survey findings would have knee-jerk reactions by content creators. The questions you asked are some of the essential ones but there is more to content than just well-crafted useful information. Personally, I think if a certain website is able to reach its target audience and provide them with satisfying results without a prominent social media presence, then there is nothing to worry about. As far as the content shared on social media platforms is concerned, it is influenced by the ongoing trend.

By: Sean Vandenberg Thu, 26 Nov 2015 06:29:21 +0000 Haha – yes, sharing cute videos of cats will never die! …And nice point about whether your posts are driving valuable traffic and generating leads (i.e., money). I’m back to blogging (let my blogroll die these last couple of years), as I find most of my traffic and leads come from TWO blog posts written awhile ago :).

There’s still power in niche content marketing!

– Sean

PS: Happy Thanksgiving!

By: James Mawson Sun, 22 Nov 2015 06:04:06 +0000 Another thing is that the shareability of content varies enormously by topic, as does the worth of those shares. If you are selling anything around an ongoing hobby or recreational interest then social shares are an important metric. Ie, if you sell fishing equipment or barbecue stuff or home brewing gear then you really want your blog content to get shares because people with these interests hang out together, so it’s a great way to get traffic from the right audience and to build a following for your content. If you’re writing around a topic like this and you only get 8 shares then you should be a bit worried about what you’re doing wrong.

On the other hand, if you sell software for mining engineers to use during their work day then your content is still going to be shareable and those shares are still going to be worth something, but only within a much narrower context. Here, 8 shares that go out to your customers is probably not too shabby.

Then there are topic areas like furniture, pest control, removalists, funerals, home air conditioning and other such things that few buyers take a continuing interest in. The normal customer behaviour in these markets is to become interested in content when actively researching a purchase and then to get on with the rest of their lives once they’ve blown their load. Even great content around furniture is unlikely to be very shareable, because even if the reader loves it, they are unlikely to expect their friends or followers would be interested. To the extent that you can get shares for this kind of content, these shares are probably not going to reach most of your prospective customers because they’re just not following “industry influencers” in the first place. If you really were trying to create viral content for this kind of business, it would probably be by pushing a novelty or gimmick angle really hard to make something that’s just really entertaining – this might be worthwhile to get a bit of brand visibility and some white hat links coming in, but for the most part I don’t think it makes sense for this sort of business to be too concerned about shares because it’s just not where the buyers are going to come from. It makes a lot more sense to write content around buying keywords and then promote it on the SERPS with white hat links that will ideally also bring referral traffic from customers actively researching a purchase.

By: Marketing Day: New Mobile Reports, 2015's Most Shared Video Ads & Google's Live Blog Carousel Thu, 19 Nov 2015 21:01:00 +0000 […] Is Your Content Really Failing?, […]
