Comments on: FUD, Hummingbird and the future of SEO copywriting SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Wed, 25 Dec 2013 11:36:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sutradhar Wed, 25 Dec 2013 11:36:13 +0000 Hi Heather!
Its is clear issue that content is all, and it should be rich, qualified, informative and engaging content, no doubt, but its rear to find a clear conduct map on the Hum-SEO issues. Thanks for your points on the content anatomy.

By: 2013 recap for SEO copywriters: What's cool, what sucked Thu, 12 Dec 2013 19:42:17 +0000 […] the Hummingbird algorithm re-enforces that writers don’t have to shovel keywords into the content. Yes, know your keyphrases. Understand the reader’s intent. But focus your writing on the […]

By: How to Write Blog Posts That Get Found and Get Read - Ascend Marketing Solutions - Copywriting Services for Self-Help and Natural Health Marketers Tue, 29 Oct 2013 20:09:53 +0000 […] with each new algorithm update. Heather Lloyd-Martin explains it well here when she discusses the future of SEO copywriting. Always, always write original, high-quality content that offers value to your readers. That’s […]

By: Betty Wed, 16 Oct 2013 21:32:10 +0000 Awesome article Heather! I agree that releasing “the stranglehold keyphrases had on our content” will help us create better if not spectacular content!

This update seems to me like it’s raising the bar another notch for semantic search, which began with Panda, so as you said, business as usual, but even better.


By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:20:59 +0000 In reply to Graham.

Hi, @Graham-

Thanks for your thoughts.

I’ve actually seen quite a few (small) bloggers do well in Google – especially with authorship. Granted, they tend to have highly-focused content that appeals to a certain niche – but they’re doing well. Having said that, it’s true that many companies are trying to figure out how to write content that appeals to all parties (including Google, of course!) Actually, large companies seem to have the hardest time of it since many of them were benefitting from bad content in the first place…and now they have to (gasp) consider quality.

I would argue that Google makes changes for the searchers…and for bottom-line reasons. They want searchers to have a good experience and keep using Google. And the more people search using Google, the more people who will see (and buy) the ads. :)

By: Graham Tue, 15 Oct 2013 15:38:01 +0000 Do we praise Google or berate them? Are their updates like Hummingbird for the benefit of the user/searcher or for the benefit of Google’s bottom line? For the humble blogger its bad because they need to write like an award winning author and can not simply bring other published stuff to their niche audience of followers. Even if they rephrase and comment wisely on news, its still old news and not “Fresh”. So to be “Fresh” your humble blogger needs to be a scoop getting journalist as well. So only top media companies flogging crap can afford top notch writers for organic search and the rest just buy adwords to flog us more crap. As long as you pay enough to Google your crap content will be seen by millions. So at the end of the day its all about Google and its revenue, not quality content. Google just wants to force everyone to buy Adwords… end of story.

By: Dan Tue, 15 Oct 2013 12:54:24 +0000 Great point Heather, and it’s exactly what I’ve been telling people myself. If you focus on writing in-depth, interesting, and valuable content right now, you don’t have to worry about any Google update ever again. Just make sure the optimization is done in a natural way, and you will be okay.

By: Alexander John Sun, 13 Oct 2013 10:59:33 +0000 Good writers, should not fear.

If you really good at writing, what’s the big deal? will probable write a post in a week saying, “Hummingbird, the best thing to happen ever for online writers…”

I think it’s a good thing. Google is evolving but always sees the good.

By: Weekly Web Gems: Top Shelf Copy's Online Marketing News - Top Shelf Copy Fri, 11 Oct 2013 10:14:03 +0000 […] FUD, Hummingbird and the future of SEO copywriting |Heather Lloyd-Martin via SEO Copywriting. […]

By: SearchCap: The Day In Search, October 10, 2013 | Search Engine Optimization & Internet Marketing (SEO & SEM) Blog Fri, 11 Oct 2013 04:42:11 +0000 […] FUD, Hummingbird and the future of SEO copywriting, SEO Copywriting […]
