Comments on: Freelance Writers: Are You Making This Costly Mistake? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Wed, 26 Jun 2019 13:15:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: farhan Thu, 27 Feb 2014 10:18:40 +0000 Hi Heather,
Yup this happen quite often everyone run after a clients whether it is Friday night or Sunday morning. But it make sense internet is a place where competitor is just next door. It is very important to value your time and you have to keep this is mind that delay an email can take a potential client away

By: Paul Thu, 16 Jan 2014 11:11:09 +0000 This is something that most of us have to deal with on a daily basis. I have seen me set up an out of office reply on e-mails if I know I am not going to be able to get back to people because I am working on something that is going to take up a lot of time. I have also saved a text message response which I can forward to people if I am to busy to reply properly to a text. I value my ‘free’ time and I have learned from past issues not to always put the client first, but to make sure they know that you have heard them and will get back to them.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Thu, 16 Jan 2014 00:51:23 +0000 Hi, Sue! ;)

I’m impressed – you answer emails just once a day? That’s fantastic! I get into inbox-cleaning mode and feel compelled to answer emails a few times a day – which always takes longer than I think it will!

Heather – good tip about the DND feature. I had forgotten about that one…


By: SEO copywriting roundup: Hottest posts week of Jan. 14, 2014 » SEO Copywriting Wed, 15 Jan 2014 10:01:11 +0000 […] Lloyd-Martin asksĀ Freelance writers: Are you making this costly mistake? on SEO […]

By: Heather Mueller Tue, 14 Jan 2014 21:55:49 +0000 Great post! Another good mechanism is the “do not disturb” feature on smart phones. Mine’s automated from 8 p.m – 6 a.m. every night, and could come in handy other times.

By: Sue Tue, 14 Jan 2014 17:59:32 +0000 Hi, my name is Sue and I’m a recovering codependent freelancer…

I’m not kidding. Craig is right, beware the burnout. You can make yourself really sick stretching yourself too thin for long periods of time.

For me, the best time to answer email is after I close for the day. What I do (now) is use Outlook to schedule my replies to go out the next day after I open. That way, my clients don’t see me working late and expect me to be available around the clock.

There are exceptions. If I’m working late on a rush job, I answer/send email at any hour.

Even though I worked out this system, I still get distracted by email. As soon as I open Outlook to send a question to a client, all those pretty ding, ding, dings grab my attention. (Which is how I ended up reading this blog post right now!)

I also turn off my computer and keep my home office door closed when I’m done for the day and on weekends. That helps me feel like I’m off work so I can enjoy my time off. Otherwise, I can hear my desk calling to me and I end up working all hours of the night and on weekends.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Tue, 14 Jan 2014 16:24:03 +0000 In reply to Geraldine.

Hi, Geraldine!

That’s true – if I go to a Pilates class in the middle of the afternoon (yes, I do Pilates too!), I may work in the evening. That’s OK. I’d never bill a client extra for that. I was referring to clients who expect (and require) evening/weekend work. That’s a slightly different story. :)

(And as I write this reply, I find myself jumping from a chat window to email to writing this note. Argh! Must. Stop. It!)

By: Geraldine Tue, 14 Jan 2014 13:29:53 +0000 Great blog & interesting comments! I definitely have to try to be more disciplined with this as find myself jumping from one task to another if an ‘urgent’ email comes in. When I remember to actually turn my email off for an hour or so to focus on a piece of writing I am far more productive.

But I would argue that it’s not always relevant to charge extra for evening/weekend working as I sometimes choose to do so because I’ve given myself time out in the working day for a girlie lunch, Pilates class etc. Different matter if you’re expected to do so!

By: craig wright Mon, 13 Jan 2014 21:38:04 +0000 Beware the burn-out. It won’t just take you a few days off to recover from. Even worse, it can affect the quality of your work, and if left to fester, can make you start hating what you do and resenting it for taking over your life.

Be prepared to let some clients go. It can feel wrong when you are just starting out, but you need to do it for your own sake. You’re unlikely to keep the client happy if you are working begrudgingly anyway. But as Heather says, if you do need to work a weekend for them, make them pay extra, and don’t make a habit of it.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Mon, 13 Jan 2014 21:10:45 +0000 You’re so right, Nolan. I worked a LOT this weekend and I’m definitely feeling it. Normally, my boundaries are much better. :)
