Comments on: Terminal 5 Trauma – British Airways and Missed Reputation Management Opportunities SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Mon, 10 Dec 2018 15:13:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Carrie Fri, 22 May 2009 18:49:39 +0000 I know it’s a year later but I was one of those whose luggage was lost. My flight from Paris was delayed and so I missed my connection out of Terminal 5. Those of us left behind wondered what the business sense behind stranding almost 200 passengers on that Paris flight continuing on to JFK.
I had to spend an extra night in an airport hotel. Yes I got a room so shut up right? However, waiting at home were my parents to celebrate Dad’s 75th Birthday which fell on Father’s Day. I got home a day and a half late, missed all of the celebrations and was on the road for my next business trip before BA found my luggage. They did keep me from another day of family celebrations guaranteeing my luggage was en route that day (not!). 5 weeks later my suitcase appeared; interior was wet & mouldy…
haven’t set foot on BA since

By: Radnor Sun, 01 Mar 2009 22:06:48 +0000 well said, finally a good report on this stuff

By: Roddy the Traveller Wed, 01 Oct 2008 17:08:33 +0000 British airways business is to rank for a local business’s name, collect negative reviews from consumers.

By: David Spencer Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:22:55 +0000 Oh… i m feeling very sorry for it man…

By: DrarkneeW Thu, 03 Jul 2008 03:44:34 +0000 Thanks authors for the specified materials, a lot of the compelling info. All good.

By: clone scripts Sat, 21 Jun 2008 15:24:08 +0000 It a unfortunate incident but I think that they are doing too much. As a passenger, they should be patience enough to help you to track back your luggage. You have the right to make a complaint. I cannot think of what will happen to me if my luggage is lost, a lesson to learnt.I appreciate your advice, thank for sharing with us.=)

By: Heather Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:31:44 +0000 Hi, home directory and Ecommerce solutions!

All airlines have a limitation of liability – the BA folks said that things like clothes would be reimbursed, but I never bought anything new (thank goodness I was home) nor did they give me a specific dollar amount. I do know that I’ve heard of folks losing their luggage, and the airlines only reimbursed them a percentage of their actual replacement costs.

Airlines usually state their limitation of liability somewhere on their site…it just may be hard to find. And in the future having travel insurance may be a good idea!

Just glad it’s over and done with! I hope that BA learned from their Terminal 5 snafus….

By: Ecommerce solutions Wed, 04 Jun 2008 10:06:08 +0000 i’m so sorry about what happen to you…i guess the holiday wasn’t good enough…it’s really hard when all the important thing that we need is not with us (your bag stuck for 7 days)….i agree with home directory, you should complain so that this thing won’t happen in future…

By: home directory Sat, 31 May 2008 12:24:32 +0000 That is just unacceptable. You have the all right to complain. Dont they have like some insurance on this?

By: golf travel bags Thu, 29 May 2008 13:52:09 +0000 My goodness. They are so irresponsible. I think you have the right to complain about it. I guess that this may happen to my country airline one day later too. Hopefully it don’t happen to me. I’m poor enough and I cannot bear to lose everything inside my luggage at once. :(
