Comments on: [Updated] Why Do Freelance Writers Hate SEO Copywriting? SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Mon, 16 Sep 2019 12:46:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Thu, 21 Apr 2016 14:55:41 +0000 In reply to James Mawson.

Hi, James!

I. Love. Your. Answer!

You’re exactly right. Writers can mess about with Fiverr and ODesk and beg for $5/post jobs. Or, they can realize that good clients are out there. Sure, being able to work with those clients may mean upgrading your skills, or hustling more, or tightening up the business side of your business…

…But making a (great) living as an SEO copywriter is very possible!

Thanks for your comment!

By: James Mawson Thu, 21 Apr 2016 02:29:00 +0000 I’ve had the opposite experience to these people. My SEO background has been my ticket to better paid and more interesting writing work. For genuinely linkable blog posts, think more $500 than $5.

There is definitely still a spammy side to SEO. Black hat guys love their Fiverr gigs and putting ten dollar articles on web 2.0 sites. Even reputable agencies are still building their links by PBN, and their idea of SEO copywriting for the money site is still just about putting the right phrases in the right tags. But if you don’t want to do that kind of work, it’s easy enough just to say no to it.

By: Laura Crest Thu, 31 Mar 2016 15:11:41 +0000 Wow. Within minutes of sharing this article on Twitter, I was challenged by a freelancer to defend the very phrase “SEO Copywriting” as if it were a dirty expression.

There seems to be a strong resistance to identifying oneself as an SEO Copywriter, given the widespread misconception that we’re either underhanded in achieving search rankings for our clients or miracle workers who will magically catapult them to “#1 on Google” overnight.

Or unskilled keyword stuffers who work for $5 an article.

I replied to this person that sometimes client education is part of our services — hence why I refer to myself as an SEO Copywriter & Consultant — so they understand that it is a long-term content strategy. If you’re not inclined to work with clients to educate them and manage their expectations, then perhaps it is not the right career for you. But trash-talking the profession only serves to show that you know nothing of it.

By: Scott A. Dennison Mon, 21 Mar 2016 13:12:33 +0000 This article is a good read, never thought I could incorporate this strategy to my own SEO

learnings. Hope to read more of your SEO tips in the future.
Thanks a lot

By: [Updated] Freelance SEO Copywriting: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners Tue, 26 May 2015 22:55:15 +0000 […] Why do freelance writers hate SEO copywriting? The SEO copywriting industry has its haters. Learn why and what the misconceptions are (there are a lot of them!). […]

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Fri, 07 Nov 2014 21:33:00 +0000 In reply to Greg.


I’m sorry that your job is so soul-sucking. It sounds like you have something new lined up? Or you’re working on it?

SEO writing isn’t all about soul-sucking clients (or big corporations.) You can use its power for good, too. For instance, writing for not for profit sites. Or developing a great blog that helps you meet like-minded people.

I hope things get better for your work life soon. :)

By: Greg Thu, 06 Nov 2014 23:53:00 +0000 I understand the need for SEO…but at the same time, I don’t respect it at all. And this is coming from a writer who writes SEO copy about six hours a day. I absolutely can’t stand it. You may me asking why I still do it. The answer is: I won’t be soon.

Sadly, I have become engrossed in an area of writing that is just as superficial as most major marketing agencies. I’m just trying to earn corporations more dollars. And all for what? That’s an empty question that has an empty answer. I write for BIG corporations, and it leaves me with a gut-level feeling of sadness knowing that I contribute to the mundane and aloof culture of consumerism that plagues our country.

SEO copywriting is the death of writing.

By: New to SEO writing? 5 Essential Things You Need to Know » SEO Copywriting Thu, 24 Jul 2014 10:30:32 +0000 […] talked with many writers who say, “SEO writing is so unnatural. I don’t want to worry about keyphrases, meta descriptions and search engine stuff.” I […]

By: pawas Tue, 22 Apr 2014 17:18:10 +0000 A human first approach works well for us. Keyword stuffed content looks lame. SEO copywriting is more about telling a story, convincing a website visitor to take an action and giving value to the reader.

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:04:50 +0000 In reply to Herman.

Hi, @Herman!

Welcome! You may want to check out these posts – they’ll get you started:

Just let me know what questions pop up! Thanks! :)
