Comments on: How to Make Tightwads Gleefully Open Their Wallets SEO Copywriting Training and Content Writing Tips Tue, 10 Sep 2019 16:53:04 +0000 hourly 1 By: kanchi Mon, 10 Oct 2016 07:28:03 +0000 It reminds my beginnings days of SEO Training,
My very first day my trainer said “Follow your audience your revenue will follow you”, That’s not related to this topic but next one he said if you are offering a service for a high cost you will earn only low level ROI.

But if you provide very less amount product you can sale more product and get more revenue,
Now you said get that trick into the content
That is,
Offer something with a content,
Holly shit,
I follow this on offline marketing when someone visit my place for enquiry that time face to face only offer this things and it works,
But, I forget to add this in the comments,
Now you saved me by reminding this, I have the solution in my hand but i forget to add that in content, am an idiot,
Have some chance,
First thank you lady,
Here after i will follow this in my blog,
My lovable tips in your blog is,
#1.Strong value propositions
#2.Specifics count
#3.Reframing value is a great hack
#4.Words matter
#5.“save 20%,”
And the research from SEM rush also a great thing and it will work,

Totally a big thing done by you. Big brads like Amazon and Flipkart are doing same thing in our country. In some festival time the starting of the month they will provide a lot of products with cheap price you can purchase an Iphone too at a cheap rate. Right now only i can understand what i missed?

You make me smile. in my business i have a seen a lot of tightwads i agree with your statement quarter of our leads are tightwads. Getting more number of leads doesn’t a matter. Convert each and every lead is the matter.

Surely this will work for me, Thanks a lot, You opened my eyes

By: Heather Lloyd-Martin Mon, 03 Oct 2016 15:40:20 +0000 In reply to Walter.

LOL, @Walter, I’m glad my post appealed to your inner tightwad! Thanks for your note!

By: Walter Sat, 01 Oct 2016 00:44:13 +0000 As a card-carrying tightwad, this post is gold! I do order the cheapest thing on the menu frequently, but I clean my plate, thank you very much! :)
